Wednesday 1 May 2013


I want to be more clear about my preparations when creating work, so this time for my Lebanon project I will type out and publish all the lists I make when coming up with ideas.  They can seem quite abstract so I'll try and explain what's going on if I can.

Next month my intention is to be in Lebanon,  In one of my sketchbooks  I was going through my head making connections between all the things I know about this place, looking for some sort of spark I can use as a starting point to focus the enquiry, my research, that will take place when I'm out there.

THE PLACE – what is a state? – why place? – perceptions of place – comparisons – education ( use Ann franks  diary– the story of it being taken of curriculum in north Lebanon but not south  )  
Falangists – Franco - accidental shooting – Spanish king -  accidental hero
          King Juan Carlos of Spain,  in the right place at the right time, accident of history became the man credited with moving Spain from fascism towards democracy.
 is also accidentally still  entitled the King of  Jerusalem ,  his French Bourbon ancestors having bought the title from Naples.  The Duke of Naples being connected to the 1st Crusade.  Accidentally shot  and killed his brother when they were both teenagers.  Accidentally fell off a horse when on a hunting trip in Africa,  during Spain's current financial crisis.  
I could also bring to mind the day that the Palestinian liberation organisation left Beirut. They were ordered out in an agreement between the Israelis the Americans, the Lebanese and the Syrians. Despite this seeming defeat they celebrated  it as a victory  firing many gunshots into the air,  so many in fact 4 people were killed when the bullets came back down.  there were no apologies for this.
            The Spanish Phalangist ( fascist  militia groups  and ideology) having inspired their Lebanese counterparts.  Phalangist named after a Roman defensive unit.  names so, in most probability, to inspire recognition of the Phalangist  as defenders of the Christian faith. 
Futility - fluidness of borders. 
OFF Margins ? - Europe - East
Crusades – told in unexpected way

Living in biblical times?  Make comparisons between the Civil War in Syria and the Crusades. Put people off assumptions about East versus West. Show in book the reader that the Middle East and Europe are always intricately connected. 
We are all Europeans thus we are all romans thus we are Byzantines.   
We are all Germans,  the Germans are to the Romans but what the Turks are to the Byzantines.   
We are all turks?   
Turkish fiefdoms  defended and liberated  the Middle East from the  European Crusaders. 

 This is  King Juan Carlos  apologising to the people of Spain for falling off an elephant while shooting at animals in Africa.