Friday, 9 March 2012

Vilém Flusser talking about thought - transript

Untitled (Book) Philip Guston 1968
Thought is an absurd process. We think, in order to think no more, we talk, in order to stop talking. Thought is absurd, but it is what makes us what we are, thinking things, humans. To be human is to be absurd. To be human is to be expelled from the innocence of Paradise, to be expelled from integration. To be human is to be an outcast, a being in banishment, in short: a thinking absurd being. Let us accept this absurdity, let us think as much a possible, let us doubt on as many [levels] as possible. Rilke says that the foundation of our existence has expelled us, risking us. Let us accept that risk. Let us refuse to be made prisoners of the tired and boring conversation now under way in the Western civilization, that tedious conversation called “progress”. Let us not be afraid of new words and new thoughts. Let us open new openings and experience new amazements.

HA whats his problem with progress, what all the fuss. I know. I think I know.

I like this quote