Wednesday, 12 October 2011

A Manifesto for Performative Research

Today we where reminded to look at this; 
A Manifesto for Performative Research by Brad Haseman

The essay sets out some of the key concepts behind the Wednesday lectures and the emergence of what it calls the 'Performative researcher' I like this essay because it is a clear and concise text which allows you to access its central concepts and idea in an unambiguous straight forward way. It has allot of combative language about 'New strategies' and 'Methods that have to be invented' in the face of "The traditional paradigms of research" in which "Established qualitative researchers are anxious about the performance turn, keen to establish orthodoxies" It sounds like a bloody war, and if so I think I'm unwittingly on the good progressive side, although the word progressive is never used. Because everyone uses it now. For everything. 

 "Most commonly, performative researchers progress their studies by employing variations of: reflective practice,participant, observation, performance ethnography, ethnodrama, biographical/autobiographical/narrative inquiry"

This would be the most natural way to work. I am aiming to work like this IN FACT this here is me trying to work like this / that.

This NEXT is a section of the essay in which I'm working out how it works for me. This is a diagrammatic depiction of one of the ways I deal with a text like this. It is also just something I have done because I want to see what the words look like highlighted. Is this nonnumeric diagrammatic data, qualitative research? Or a visual exploration of digital symbolic data, performative research?  Or neither, just daft.

     Does not fit right
     Sort of fits

"The second characteristic of practice-led researchers lies in their insistence
that research outputs and claims to knowing must be made through the
symbolic language and forms of their practice.>1 They have little interest in
trying to translate the findings and understandings of practice into the
numbers (quantitative) and words (qualitative) preferred by traditional
research paradigms>2.  This means, for example, that the practice-led novelist
asserts the primacy of the novel;>3 for the 3-D interaction designer it is the
computer code and the experience of playing the game; for the composer it is
the music, and for the choreographer it is the dance. This insistence on
reporting research through the outcomes and material forms of practice
challenges traditional ways of representing knowledge claims.>4 It also means
that people who wish to evaluate the research outcomes also need to
experience them in direct (co-presence) or indirect (asynchronous, recorded)

1 I would not insist but would be happy if something like this followed from the way I worked
2 I would love to be able to translate my creative practice in this way if needs be. I probably won't.
3 I would assert the primacy of the image, text and it's container?
4 My predisposition for reporting research through outcomes and the material forms of my practice may   challenge orthodoxies in the context of this essay but for me this is not intentional.
5 So this is the recorded form? a sort of narrative inquiry?