Tuesday, 8 November 2011


I have recently been thinking about how I could play with the idea of coincidence as a naritive tool. I'm interested in the way events big historical and small everyday can interrelate, how we understand this and how this effects the way we read the world.

Here are some odd questions to move the idea somewhere;
  • Do we emulate or repeat one another? If so how is this manifested?  
  • Can everything that we do be seen to be related ? 
  • Does Inheritance and empowerment run through geographical locations?  
  • Is it mimicry that people will dance for weeks on end until they drop, or are they just staving ? What   world do we live if we decide it was just mimicry?
  • Does historical weight with its crunch points operate like the chance meeting of old friends?  . 
  • Was the landlady Cleopatra cat in her previous life? and was the tenant Cleopatra?
  • Is it strange than the son of George Bush who is also called George Bush was doing the same job as his dad 8 years later?
  • Is nepotism supernatural? what happen if we take it to be supernatural, what world do we live in then?

 These are some definition of coincidence as it is understood;
  • A chance occurrence of events remarkable either for being simultaneous or for apparently being connected 
  • Remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection 
  • A Correspondence in nature or in time of occurrence.